New Releases

Something Else by Alicia Thompson at NineStar Press

Genre Gay / Bisexual / Contemporary / Cowboys / Doctors/Nurses/EMTs/Vets / Drama / Fiction
Length Novel, 72400 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 18-October-2021

Book Blurb

When his father died, David Mulkerin gave up teaching in Sydney to come home and run the family farm in western NSW. He is driven by personal demons and family tragedy to see it through, despite his love of teaching and the ongoing drought and debt.


When David meets the new local doctor Martin James, there is a meeting of minds and dark pasts. Martin is intrigued by David’s closed demeanour and makes an effort to reach him. They strike up a friendship, able to understand the pain in each other’s past. When David discovers that Martin is gay, he feels duped and betrayed, but the revelation forces him to confront what it means to love someone and how sometimes we don’t get to choose.




Warning: deceased parent, deceased sibling, death of a child, death of a prominent character, animal death, homophobia, homophobic slurs, no HEA


Additional Information

Format ebook
Publisher NineStar Press
Length Novel, 72400 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 18-October-2021
Price $5.99 ebook
Buy Link